RNC offers a wide range of modular plants for your business. You can customize your plant by deciding which part of the production process is most beneficial to your company.

We guarantee the performance indicated in all our modular plants. We have more than 20 years of experience in the installation and use of our plants.

Modular Plant TYPE 1 (Chopper)

The modular plant type 1 includes NFUs chopping machine, screens and conveyors.

Caucho 50-200 mm

NFUs input

Chopping process

TDF output

The NFUs used go through a selection process.

Includes chopping machinery, sieves, ribbons and all necessary accessories to obtain the outgoing TDF.

After the chopping process, pieces of NUFs (steel, rubber and fiber) of different sizes are obtained: SMALL (50x50mm), MEDIUM (100x100mm) y LARGE (200x200mm). 

Modular Plant TYPE 2 (Type 1 + Crusher)

The modular plant type 2 includes the elements of type 1 plus crushing machine and tape for separation of steel by magnetization. There are fiber absorption systems.

Caucho 50-200 mm

TDF input

Process of crushing

TDF Chip 0-20 output

Small, medium and large TDFs are crushed in this process.

Includes crushing machinery and all necessary accessories to obtain the outgoing TDF.

After the crushing, rubber pieces (with very low content of steel and fibers) of size between 0 and 20 mm are obtained. 

Modular Plant TYPE 3 (Type 2 + Granulator)

The modular plant type 3 includes the elements of type 2 plus granulating machine.

Caucho 0-20 mm
Gránulo de 0-10 mm y lana

TDF Chip input

Granulation process

Granule and fiber output

The granulation process reduces the size of rubber and fibers.

It includes the granulating machinery and all the necessary accessories to obtain the salmon granule and fiber.

After granulation, grain of between 0 and 10 mm, and fibers, is obtained.

Modular Plant TYPE 4 (Type3 + Sieving Group)

The modular plant type 4 includes elements of type 3 plus sieving and sorting machine.

Gránulo 0-10 mm
Gránulo menor de 1 mm

Granule input

Sieving process

Output of granules <0.5 mm

The granule enters the sieve where a selection of size is made.

Includes the sieve machine and extract the remaining fiber.

The sieving process obtains granules smaller than 0.5 mm in size.

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